Monday, 21 October 2024


Γνωριμία με το Iaido

IAIDO (Seitei)


iaido and to make it easier for kendo practitioners to learn iaido, an expert committee was established by the AJKF to review the situation. The committee subsequently selected the basic techniques from major iaido schools to form the curriculum of Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei Iaido. In 1969, the AJKF introduced its seitei curriculum of seven standardisediaido kata.[1] These were drawn from elements of the major sword schools, including Musō Jikiden Eishin-ryūMusō Shinden-ryū and Hoki-ryū. Three more kata were added in 1981 and two more in 2000, increasing the number of seitei iaido kata to the current twelve. These kata are officially known as the "All Japan Kendo Federation Iai" (全日本剣道連盟居合 Zen Nippon Kendō Renmei Iai?), or Zen Ken Ren Iai (全剣連居合) and commonly referred to as seitei or seitei-gata.

seitei-gata are standardised for the tuition, promotion and propagation of iaido within the kendo federations. Although not all kendo dojo teach seitei iaido, the AJKF uses them as a standard for their exams and shiai. As a result, seitei iaido has become the most widely recognised form of iaido in Japan and the rest of the world.


  1. Mae (前?). Front. Commencing from a kneeling position, forestalling a frontal attack.
  2. Ushiro (後ろ?). Rear. Commencing from a kneeling position, forestalling an attack from the rear.
  3. Ukenagashi (受け流し?) Receive, Parry and Cut. Commencing from a kneeling position, parrying an attack from the left.
  4. Tsuka-ate (柄当て?). Striking with the Hilt. Commencing from a raised knee, seated position, forestalling two attackers, front and rear.
  5. Kesagiri (袈裟切り?). Diagonal Cut. Commencing from a standing position, forestalling an approaching attacker.
  6. Morote-zuki (諸手突き?). Two-Hand Thrust. Commencing from a standing position, forestalling three approaching attackers, two in front and one behind.
  7. Sanpōgiri (三方切り?). Three Direction Cut. Commencing from a standing position, forestalling three approaching attackers, one each to the right, left and front.
  8. Ganmen-ate (顔面当て?). Hit to the Face. Commencing from a standing position, forestalling two approaching attackers, front and rear.
  9. Soete-zuki (添え手突き?). Joined Hand Thrust. Commencing from a standing position, forestalling an attack from the left.
  10. Shihōgiri (四方切り?). Four Direction Cutting. Commencing from a standing position, forestalling four approaching attackers.
  11. Sōgiri (総切り?). Complete Cuts. Five different and complete cuts. Commencing from a standing position. 
  12. Nukiuchi (抜き打ち?). Sudden Draw. Avoid, then respond to an attack from the front. Commencing from a standing position.


Shoden (初伝)

kata of Ōmori-ryū iaijutsu plus one kata variation exclusive to Musō Shinden-ryū. The kata start from the seiza sitting posture. It has been included in Musō Shinden-ryū as the entry level. This series of kata was made the first to be learned when the 17th headmaster of the Tanimura branch, Ōe Masamichi, reorganized and rationalized the curriculum of Hasegawa Eishin-ryū at the start of the 20th century.

Nakayama Hakudō, according to his own memoirs, invented the twelfth kata called In'yō Shintai Kaewaza as a variation on the fifth kata In'yō Shintai.

The following is the order given by Yamatsuta. In some schools, the order of the last two kata are reversed.

  1. Shohattō (初発刀)
  2. Satō (左刀)
  3. Utō (右刀)
  4. Ataritō (当刀)
  5. In'yō Shintai (陰陽進退)
  6. Ryūtō (流刀)
  7. Juntō (順刀)
  8. Gyakutō (逆刀)
  9. Seichūtō (勢中刀)
  10. Korantō (虎乱刀)
  11. Battō (抜刀)
  12. In'yō Shintai Kaewaza (陰陽進退替業)

Chūden (中伝)

Hasegawa Eishin-ryū. This series of kata is executed from the tachihiza (more commonly called tatehiza) sitting position. In contrast to the first series of kata, the enemy is considered to be sitting very close and thus the primary goal of the chūden techniques is to create proper cutting distance (kirima) by stepping back instead of forward

haya-nuki or "quick draw".[11] Two versions exist for each. First, you can use two hands, that is, you can use both the left and right hand to execute the movements, just as in the normal execution. The second method involves drawing the sword with only the right hand, as if you were on a horse.[12] This kind of practice is not done in formal presentations

  1. Yokogumo (横雲)
  2. Toraissoku (虎一足)
  3. Inazuma (稲妻)
  4. Ukigumo (浮雲)
  5. Yamaoroshi (山颪)
  6. Iwanami (岩浪)
  7. Urokogaeshi (鱗返)
  8. Namigaeshi (浪返)
  9. Takiotoshi (滝落)
  10. Nukiuchi (抜打)

Okuden (奥伝)

Oku-iai, as it is also called, is divided into two groups : suwari-waza (sitting techniques) and tachi-waza (standing techniques). As in chūden, the sitting techniques are performed from tatehiza.


  1. Ipponme | Kasumi | (Mist)
  2. Nihonme | Sunegakoi | (Covering the shin)
  3. Sanbonme | Shihogiri | (Cutting four corners)
  4. Yonhonme | Tozume | (Across the screen doors)
  5. Gohonme | Towaki | (Along the screen doors)
  6. Ropponme | Tanashita | (Under the shelf)
  7. Nanahonme | Ryozume | (Obstacles on both sides)
  8. Happonme | Torabashiiri | (Running Tiger) 


  1. Ipponme | Yukitsure | (Escort)
  2. Nihonme | Rentatsu | (Escort)
  3. Sanbonme | Somakuri | (Cutting the multiple opponents)
  4. Yonhonme | Sodome | (One handed cuts)
  5. Gohonme | Shinobu | (Stealth)
  6. Ropponme | Yukichigai | (Passing by)
  7. Nanahonme | Sodesurigaeshi | (Flipping the sleeves)
  8. Happonme | Moniri | (Entering the gate)
  9. Kyuhonme | Kabezoi | (Along the walls)
  10. Jupponme | Ukenagashi | (Block and deflect)
  11. Juiponme | Itomagoi / Sanbon | (Request Leave of Absence / Three forms)


kenjutsu part of the curriculum) are rarely taught today. Tachi Uchi no Kurai and Tsumeai no Kurai are the series most often taught.


Αθλητικός Σύλλογος Ατραπός
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